At OVVC, first and foremost we are here to make sure your pet is healthy and happy. We always recommend and offer the best possible care.
The well care we recommend for all healthy pets, including exams, vaccines, and tests, can be overwhelming if paid for all at the same time, which is why we have created Well Budget Programs. Each Program is tailored to fit the medical needs of your pet during their different stages of life.
Additional 10% off the following well care:
Royal Canin Veterinary and Prescription Diets Deworming
Flea/Heartworm Preventatives (Sentinel or Revolution)
Below are the different plans offered. Click on the Plan for the corresponding Enrollment Form.
Puppy: For dogs ages 6 – 8 weeks. Includes unlimited exams, all of the booster vaccines, deworming, flea preventatives, two fecal tests as well as a spay or neuter. |
Kitten: For cats ages 6 – 8 weeks. Includes unlimited exams, all of the booster vaccines, deworming, flea preventatives, two fecal tests as well as a spay or neuter. |
Adult Canine: For dogs ages 13 weeks – 6 years. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, blood profile and a heartworm test. |
Adult Feline: For cats ages 13 weeks – 6 years. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a fecal test, urinalysis, blood profile and a leukemia/FIV test. |
Senior Canine: For dogs 7 years and older. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, blood profile with a thyroid test and a heartworm test. |
Senior Feline: For cats 7 years and older. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a fecal test, urinalysis, blood profile with a thyroid test and a leukemia/FIV test. |
Dental Adult Canine: For dogs ages 13 weeks – 6 years. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, blood profile, heartworm test and dental cleaning. |
Dental Adult Feline: For cats ages 13 weeks – 6 years. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, blood profile, leukemia/FIV test and dental cleaning. |
Dental Senior Canine: For dogs 7 years and older. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, blood profile with a thyroid test, heartworm test and dental cleaning with IV fluids. |
Dental Senior Feline: For cats 7 years and older. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, blood profile with a thyroid test, leukemia/FIV test and dental cleaning with IV fluids. |
Well Budget Dental Plus Adult K9: For dogs ages 13 weeks – 6 years. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, heartworm test, two blood profiles and dental cleanings. |
Dental Plus Adult Feline: For cats ages 13 weeks – 6 years. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, leukemia/FIV test, two blood profiles and dental cleanings. |
Dental Plus Senior Canine: For dogs 7 years and older. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, heartworm test, two blood profile with a thyroid test and dental cleanings with IV fluids. |
Dental Plus Senior Feline: For cats 7 years and older. Includes unlimited exams, all vaccines, a yearly fecal test, urinalysis, leukemia/FIV test, two blood profile with a thyroid test and dental cleanings with IV fluids. |