1205 Capitol Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97301

(503) 585-1616


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Whether it be a routine surgery like a dental cleaning, spay or neuter, or something more serious like a tumor removal, tooth extraction, all the way to an emergency or specialty surgery; you want to know your pets are in the best hands possible.  We take anesthetic procedures very seriously.  We want to make sure your pets are healthy prior to anesthesia, monitored during surgery, and properly recovered and rechecked.

Our surgery suite is fully equipped with an adjustable surgery table and light so we can perform a wide variety of surgeries from routine surgeries like spays and neuters to more in depth surgeries like mass removals to complicated emergency surgeries.

We offer in house laboratory tests like pre-anesthetic blood profiles to make sure our patients can process the anesthesia normally.

While the patients are under anesthesia, we use an external heating source to regulate temperature, we monitor their heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and SPO2.  Along with injectable sedatives and anesthesia for simple procedures, we offer two different types of gas anesthetic, isoflurane and sevoflurane.  Both are very safe, the pets breath the anesthetic in and then breath it out.  Sevoflurane is an option that we offer to all pets, but recommend it for older pets and pets with health problems.  The Sevoflurane can be very beneficial to your pet because the recovery time is faster and we can more closely regulate the anesthesia level during the surgical procedure.

 Recovery is monitored very closely after a surgical procedure, with windows from the ICU to the doctor’s office and the treatment area.  Spays and neuters stay overnight to decrease the amount of adrenaline the pets have when they see their owners, to insure a smooth recovery.

 For more complicated surgeries that require a surgical specialist, we may refer out of Salem to OSU or Northwest Veterinary Specialist.  When travel and convenience become a concern, Dr. James Faulkner, a board certified surgical specialist, who we have worked closely with for years, can come to our clinic and perform orthopedic specialty surgeries.



AVMA podcast with Dr. Nora Matthews, professor emertitus at Texas A&M’s College of Veterinary Medicine discusses anesthesia for pets.