What to Expect: Drop Offs
If you don’t have enough time to spend in the room for a full appointment, we offer drop-offs so you can leave your pet here on your way to work, and pick up after you are off. Usually, pets are dropped-off sometime in the morning. If there are multiple animals dropped off, the doctor will triage to determine critical patients. The services will be performed between surgeries or appointments. We will call you with updates and when services are completed, but you can expect to pick up your pet late in the afternoon or evening.
When you drop-off your pet, a Hospital Admission Form should be filled out with as much information as possible, including any questions or concerns you may have. An estimate will be provided and the low end will be required at the time of drop-off.
Your pet will be placed in a size appropriate kennel with a blanket or towel, water and litter box for cats (unless otherwise directed by the doctor). All personal items will be labeled or placed in a box just for them. A name band will be placed on all pets and a cage card with their name, the reason for the visit and any alerts will be on the kennel to identify them
A full exam and requested services will be performed and any additional procedures will be authorized by you prior to performing them. Once all services, procedures and charts are completed, we will set up a discharge appointment where the exam will be discussed and any instructions given.
Please call 503-585-1616 or click the button below to schedule a drop off.